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Bee sting of the eye (bee sting of the cornea)   132

Bee Sting of the Eye (Bee Sting of the Cornea)   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   &nbs 535f54f p;   132

General: Occurs when the toothed lancet of the stinging apparatus penetrates the cornea.

Ocular: Conjunctival hemorrhage, chemosis, and hyperemia; corneal abscess; keratitis; lid edema; iris depigmentation; iridoplegia; iritis; lacrimation; apoplectic visual loss; acute disk swelling secondary to acute demyelination.

Clinical: Laryngeal edema; anaphylaxis; death; localized tissue edema; fever.

Berrios RR, Serrano LA. Bilateral optic neuritis after a bee sting. Am J Ophthalmol 1994; 117:677-678.

Duke-Elder S, ed. System of Ophthalmology. vol. XIV. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1972:1204-l207, 1346-l348.

Smolin G, Wong I. Bee sting of the cornea: case reports. Ann Ophthalmol 1982; 14:342-343.

Song HS, Wray SH. Bee sting optic neuritis. A case report with visual evoked potentials. J Clin Neuro-Ophthalmol 1991; 11:45-49.

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